Tag Archives: today

3 Ways to Give Back to Your Community Today

United States Capitol Building, Washington, DCAre you too busy to give back to your community? Do you think taking action on an individual level can’t make a difference in the lives of those around us, and the lives that surround those extending tendrils into the world? Let’s think again.

There are many ways to give back in small ways to your community, whether your focus is clinic, research, or teaching. The following is a list of ideas that apply to all of these areas, but some may seem more logical than others for what you enjoy. Remember, if you enjoy what you’re doing, it doesn’t feel like you’re “giving” as much as you’re getting!

1. Write a letter to your congressman. That’s right, you can make a difference in less than 2 minutes of your time through the website by the American Academy of Audiology. They created a lovely system where all audiology-related bills are listed along with a description. You can then enter your information and send a form letter that can be customized if you desire, which will be sent to the proper representatives according to your address. So fast, so easy, why not do it right now?     http://capwiz.com/audiology/home/

2. Donate to a Political Action Committee (PAC). I know you don’t want to part with your daily coffee, but this daily coffee could make a difference in the lives of millions of people with hearing loss if placed in the right hands. As educated citizens, we know that money talks, so we need to choose the appropriate mouth. Determine which professional organization is most in line with your ethics and way of practice, then support them as they attempt to reach the goals their members agree upon.

3. Help someone you know. Perhaps you know of someone in your neighborhood or in your family who could use some direct help. Perhaps this is something you could provide. Perhaps you should step up and fill that need to make the world a better place. The easiest way to change the world is to take the first step to make that change.


Let’s spread the love people.