Tag Archives: exhaustion

3 Simple Changes to Disconnect from the World

unplug2Sleep. Alarm. Shower. Eat. Run out the door. Get to work right on time to hear… Ping! You’ve got an e-mail waiting for you. Scratch that, you have 500 e-mails waiting for you. Feeling on edge? Perhaps it’s time to consider deviating from this stressful routine, and take a chance to disconnect from our overly connected world.

Here are a few questions you may want to consider:

  • Is every day a bad day?
  • Does caring about your daily work or home life seem like a waste of energy?
  • Are you exhausted all the time?
  • Are most tasks either too dull or too challenging?
  • Do you feel under-appreciated?

If the answer to any of these questions is “Yes”, then perhaps it is time to take some time and disconnect from the outside world, to give you the opportunity to reconnect with yourself.

Steps you can take to disconnect:

  1. Simplify your morning. Reduce distractions and decibels by turning off music, television, and anything with a screen.
  2. Meditate. It works because science! Decreases cortisol and increases myelin in the brain. It also improves grades and increases energy!
  3. When you’re not working, don’t work. Sounds easy enough, but draw some boundaries such as not checking e-mail while in the middle of a conversation.

Through these steps, you will learn to avoid stress, and perhaps reacting to the Ping! may be a thing of the past.


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